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The pjs.query() API runs an SQL statement against your database. It can retrieve, insert, or update data. The results are returned as an array of objects.

Here is a simple example of retrieving some database records:

let products = pjs.query("SELECT productCode, productName FROM products");
let productCount = products.length;

SQL Parameter Markers

pjs.query() can use SQL parameters markers for dynamic data.

The following statement is bad practice because it is prone to an SQL injection attack:

// Don't do this!
let product = pjs.query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE productCode = " + code)[0];

Instead, you should use a parameter marker, designated by a ? symbol, as follows:

// Do this instead!
let product = pjs.query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE productCode = ?", code)[0];

The 2nd parameter to pjs.query() replaces the ? in your SQL statement. Note that [0] is an index to the resulting array -- it is an attempt to retrieve the first record from the result set.

But what if you have multiple pieces of dynamic data? Simply provide the 2nd parameter to pjs.query() as an array:

let product = pjs.query(
                "SELECT * FROM products WHERE productCode = ? AND stockQty > ?", 
                [code, orderQty] )[0];

Inserting and Updating

To insert or update data, the parameter marker should map to an object of fields to insert or update.

INSERT example:

pjs.query("INSERT INTO products SET ?", {
  stockQty: 0

UPDATE example:

pjs.query("UPDATE products SET ? WHERE productCode = ?", [ 
    stockQty: stockQty - orderQty,
    lastUpdated: new Date()


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