API Web Services
About This Space
A demo of how to build, test and document APIs
Last updated on November 19, 2020
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Developing APIs
This template demonstrates how to use the Profound API Designer to build robust APIs. Two API files are bundled with this template:
- customers.api.json - Standard table CRUD APIs
- products.api.json - Standard table CRUD APIs
For up to date information, visit our documentation page.
Consuming an API
The url for consuming these APIs will begin with:
https://spaces.profoundjs.com/run/[your profile]/[your space name]/wsapi
followed by the API HTTP Path
Example: https://spaces.profoundjs.com/run/scotroach/profoundapi-1/wsapi/customers
Including with this template, is a sameple Vue UI that will demostrate how to consume these APIs.
- index.html - This tester page is set as the application start page
Launching the application
To launch the application, select Launch App in Browser Tab from the Home Menu.
More Spaces By Al3 (@al3)
This space creates an AWS S3 Bucket Browser using AWS SDK APIs. It allows you to create and delete buckets, list objects in a bucket, and Upload, download, preview or delete objects. This space is protected to protect the credentials being used for the example. To see the code or create a version to browse your own S3 buckets see http://noderun.com/al3/aws-s3-bucket-browser/
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