REST Web Services Server and Client AJAX
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A demo of how to build and consume Web Services from both the server side and with AJAX on the client side
Last updated on November 1, 2019
Forked from: /al3/rest-web-services-2/
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REST Web Service example with both server side and client side requests.
This space is fork of the REST Web Service template modified to load the customer details on the client side using AJAX in the OnRowClick() event of the grid.
This template provides an example of how to create REST Web Services in NodeRun. Two Web Services are bundled with this template:
- list.js retrieves a customer list from a database table
- getCustomer.js retrieves information about a specific customer
Web Services URI
The URI format for the Web Services is:[your profile]/[your space name]/[route]/[params]
Before you can run the Web Service, you must create a NodeRun profile and publish a space. The route and params are defined by right-clicking the Node.js file in the Files tree and selecting Properties.
In the Properties window, you can mark a file as a Web Service, and specify the HTTP Method and Route Path.
This template provides a Node.js module and interface to test the Web Services. Simply select the Launch App option to run the test.
The test uses server-side requests to communicate with the service to load the customerr list grid and then uses a client side AJAX request to load the details.
Request and Response Objects
The web server used for NodeRun is Profound.js, which is a superset of Express. Express provides various capabilities for receiving input and sending output using special Request and Response objects. You can refer to the Express API reference for the various properties and methods provided by these objects.
NodeRun expects that your Node.js file exports a property named 'default' or 'run', which must point to the main function to execute when the module is called.
- pjs.query() - Execute an SQL query
- pjs.sendRequest() - Send request to a Web Service
- display.grid.replaceRecords() - Clear and add records to a Rich Display Grid
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