Consuming a Web Service
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This app consumes a web service and display the information in a grid
Last updated on October 24, 2019
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Consuming a Web Service Template
This template is a simple demonstration of how to consume a Web Service using Node.js. It retrieves currency exchange data and presents it in a sortable grid.
Async with No Callbacks
To simplify development, NodeRun provides pjs API to make asynchronous requests without having to code callbacks. These API reduce complexity allowing you to code business application logic in a straightforward top-down manner.
pjs API
- pjs.sendRequest() - Send a Web Services request from Node.js server-side code
- display.grid.replaceRecords() - Clear and add records to a Rich Display Grid
- pjs.defineDisplay() - Create a Rich Display object from json definition
- display.screen.execute() - Display a screen and wait for user to respond
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