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Scott Klement's Meeting Timer

Last updated on July 18, 2022

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Meeting Timer

This project is a speech timer program, intended for use with my Toastmasters club.

In a Toastmasters meeting there are 1-3 speakers, each one typically gives a speech between 5-7 minutes long. The timer's job is to notify them about how much time is remaining by raising a green "card" at 5 minutes, a yellow "card" at 6 minutes, and a red "card" at 7 minutes. The timer also records the exact number of minutes/seconds that the speech took. On virtual meetings (which is what most clubs have done during Covid-19) these colored cards are replaced by camera backgrounds of the same colors.

While 5-7 minutes is the "typical" length of a meeting, it needs to be flexible since some projects have different length speeches, and sometimes speakers will plan something special that requires a special length.

In addition to these prepared speeches, the timer should also time speech evaluations (green at 2:00, yellow at 2:30 and red at 3:00) as well as impromptu "table topics" speeches (green at 1:00, yellow at 1:30, red at 2:00).

This app lets you do that by setting up a timed events agenda, and timing each one. It takes care of changing the background image at the appropriate times in a way that is suitable for integration with a program like Open Broadcaster Software (OBS.)

I'm writing this on Profound.js Spaces in Low-Code to help me practice and build expertise with Low-Code and Node.js, as well as provide a useful utility that can be made publicly available.

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