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running time comparison
Last updated on October 17, 2019
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Stateless Rich Display Template
NodeRun Rich Displays are screens you create with the Visual Designer tool. Rich Display applications are automatically intended to be Single Page Apps, meaning the browser page never reloads. There are two methods for deploying Rich Display applications:
Stateful: where a server session is automatically established and the server controls the flow of the application; this is great for transactional process-oriented apps
Stateless: where the browser or mobile client controls the flow of the application and and server data is requested via AJAX calls as necessary; this model is great for event-driven applications, or applications where a server connection is not guaranteed
This template illustrates how a stateless application is created.
start.html file
The starting point for a Rich Display stateless application is a simple HTML file that links to the Profound UI JavaScript & CSS runtime files. API
To display a Rich Display screen, the client-side API is used. More information about this API can be found here:
Using Widget Events
Unlike stateful applications, where the typical user action sends a response to the server (via properties like "response" on a button), stateless applications typically use events. All Rich Display widgets contain a variety of events, such as onclick. You can type any client-side code directly into those events.
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