A straightforward demo of how to use other npm packages on NodeRun!
Last updated on January 16, 2020
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Instructor to Attendee Ratio
This space demonstrates the use of Node Package Manager (npm) from NodeRun. npm is the world's largest software
registry of reusable packages. In this example, I use a simple package named 'num2fraction' that can
translate a decimal value into a fraction.
Installing npm Packages
The easiest way to manage npm packages is to use the Install npm Packages menu option under the Server
menu. With this option, you can add or remove packages in a point and click manner.
Alternatively, you can start a terminal session and use the npm command line interface to install, update, and uninstall packages.
Using npm Packages
To utilize an npm package within your code, simply use the Node.js require() API.
6 years ago
Nice and simple! Love it.