Google Maps Example

Al3 (@al3)




About This Space

A basic example of using Google Maps Address Autocomplete in a Rich Display Screen and a Google map view

Last updated on April 16, 2020

Forked from: /al3/google-maps-autocomplete/

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Google Maps Platform Example

This space provides an example of using Google Maps Cloud Platform. The space provides an example of the Address Auto-Complete and a Map view.

The auto-complete in the example is intended to allow you to search for a street address for a location and name the location yourself by specifying a name in the name field. The auto-complete can be used to seaarch for places and landmarks also.

Client code

The Google Maps .js file is included by adding it to the External JavaScript files in the app.json Main screen format.

The code for handling the Autocomplete and loading the map is all client side JavaScript stored in the clientcode.js file.

Using the app

When the page loads the map view is positioned on the user's general area


Enter a Name and then search for the address.


Once an address is selected from the auto-complete list the map will reposition and a marker will be placed. Click the Save button to save the information.


Clicking on a row in the list will display that location on the map.


Google Maps account

The Google Maps Platform requires a account. To use this example with your own Google Maps account fork the google-maps-example-code space and then update the External JavaScript file(2) in the app.json Main screen format and add your API Key.


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5 years ago

This space is protected because it uses a Google Maps Platform Account. You can create your own space using your own account by forking the space

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